Friday, November 6, 2015

"Latter Times Seducing Spirits And Doctrines Of Devils" Are On The Move

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Tim.4:1.

This verse plainly says that the Holy Spirit of God does not just elude, infer, imply or insinuate the truths he wants to impart to our hearts, but "speaks expressly", clearly and directly. In this case, he "speaks expressly" about something which is going to happen in the "latter times". That particular thing is, professing believers, unsaved church members, turning away from the "faith" which they have professed but not possessed. Counterfeit Christians will come to see there is no longer any benefit in carrying on the subterfuge of falsely professing to be believers in Christ.... probably because of increasing persecution against Christians. Jesus called these counterfeits "tares" in Matt.13:24-30. They are unsaved church members who are there for social, business, traditional or other reasons besides loving, worshiping and serving God. This "departure from the faith" will be easily accomplished by their yielding to some "other" Jesus (1Cor.11:4), some false religion, or no religion and "doctrines of devils" in general.

In social science, "seduction", in the above verse, is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in Illicit acts. The word "seduction" stems from Latin and means literally "to lead astray". Using the word "doctrines" in conjunction with "devils" intimates a spiritual deviancy or unscriptural perversion of God's word. In other words, "doctrines of devils" reflects another of many of God's "holy" things Satan has counterfeited to confuse and mislead us into serious spiritual error. He does it with God's word, the Holy Spirit, the church, baptism, the Messiah, love, sex and every other holy thing of God. Perverted doctrine is "doctrines of devils".

There is, however, a benefit, to Christ's church, in this departure of religious unbelievers from Christian Fellowships. Persecution will, in effect, purge the church of the chaff, sucker branches, dead wood and weeds from their negative effects within the church body ... and make it more vibrant and healthy to endure latter day difficulties before the Rapture.