Monday, April 20, 2015

The Open Secret To John 3:16's Unequaled Impact

It was not God's Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, or even His Omniholiness that moved Him to give "his only begotten Son" to die in our place for out sins. It was His agape love for us.  Agape is the deepest spiritual love of total committment.

We ignored His presence, rejected His knowledge, doubted His power and violated His holiness ... but He still loved us. We were created in His own "image and likeness" to be His children, but because of our fleshly rebellion and sin nature, inherited from Adam and Eve, and willfully embraced by each of us, a new birth, a spiritual birth became necessary. That new birth, devised by our Creator, would only take place when we, as lost sinners, repented of our sins and within our spirits believed on and accepted His remedy, "His only begotten Son", as our Savior. This miraculous cleansing means of redemption from hopeless, lost sinners, to hope full, forgiven children of God, comes about only through true faith in Jesus Christ and by God's grace, a fruit of His agape love. 

We, then, having been "spiritually" born again, due only to His agape love, believe His knowledge, feel His presence, yield to His power, and seek His holiness. And like our Father, who's agape love moved Him to provide us a means of Salvation, we, as His children, are moved by that same love to worship Him, obey Him, and seek His will in prayer and Bible study; And through that same agape love tell others about Him. Agape love is the motivating factor in all true Christian service which is empowered by God's own presence in our lives .... and which comes to us in the person of His Holy Spirit when we are born again.