Mrs Blair and I live in Mansfield, Texas, about 10 miles from Cowboy Stadium in Arlington. I have always been a Cowboy's fan, though not quite a fanatic, but I can't watch them play. I tell myself its just a stupid game and doesn't really matter if they win or lose. But, as a died in the wool Texan, with sand in my boots and bow legs, I am a Lone Star Flag waver ... probably more so than Old Glory since Obama came out of the shadowy unknown and was elected by the lame brain majority of U.S. citizens. So since I now feel like an illegal immigrant in a foreign communist country, when I'm switching through the TV channels looking for something that makes sense, and can't stand to watch the Cowboys, I watch the other teams. Since the twilight zone era of Obama, I have written off all those states which elected him and pull for those who didn't, when I watch football. So my teams are all Southern. But, I also pulled for the Arizona Cardinals, until now.
You see, today the Cardinals and the Carolina Panthers were in the playoffs to determine who would play in the Super Bowl. So when I am in a straight betwixt two, I watch for which side cheats, has a bad attitude or if any of their players show signs of being a Christian. Right off the bat ... or, I should say "kick-off", I saw the Panther's Quarter-Back glance up to heaven with what looked like a whispered prayer. Yes, I chose my team based on that sliver of possibility that he, Cam Newton might be a Christian. Later, after he personally ran for a touchdown, he pointed to heaven with both index fingers an instant before the cameraman quickly switched away from him.
As it turned out, Cam Newton proved to be the most adroit, amazing Quarter-Backs I have ever seen. He made two touchdowns himself and they won the game 49 to 15, and will play the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl. I like the Broncos and Peyton Manning, but those Panthers are going to win Super Bowl #50, in my opinion.
After the game, I searched the internet to see if I could find if Cam Newton is a Christian. Here is what I found....
Cam Newton was, of course, a college football star at Auburn before becoming one of the greatest Quarterbacks in pro football history, but he gave the glory to God for his success. At Auburn he said, publicly, "It's just a God thing, I thank God every single day. I'm just His instrument and He's using me on a consistent basis daily. He is using me to extend His word and I'm a prime example of how God could turn something that was bad into something that was very great .... If God is with me who can be against me?" A quote from Romans 8:31.
Newton feels blessed for escaping the serious accident with relatively minor injuries. The Carolina Panthers reported on the team's Twitter account that the quarterback suffered two fractures in his lower back and no internal injuries.
According to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department crash report, Newton was driving at the posted speed limit of 35 mph during the time of the accident.
The 25-year-old Atlanta native took to Facebook to post this message:
"I do not know where to begin because by the look of that picture someone is supposed to be dead or severely injured worse than what I am right now!"While I am resting up, the thought that keeps flashing in my mind is that GOD IS GOOD and someone has (their) protective hands on my life shielding me from any danger that may come my way!"
So it appears we have another Christian, or at least a seeker, in a key position, who may become an Ambassador for Christ. We shall see. Somebody in Charlotte see that he gets a witness for Christ. Pray for Cam. RB

Carolina Panther's Quarterback, Cam Newton ... High Potential for Christ. RB